The 70th Full Moon run of the Berlin Hash got off to a shaky start with ever so slight confusion about the start point. Butwe forgave our hare Almost Fizzled, especially since he was roped into laying trail at short notice and not given much of achoice. Somehow word got around that he had volunteered at the previous Full Moon (which he, in fact, didn’t attend).Ring Piece, Hairy Nipples and Semen on the Pew might have been involved in this rumour mill. Trail started atFrankfurter Tor and we were joined by two visitors (lucky we stuck to the original location!) Bodsa and McCavity fromScotland. Our pack slowly grew throughout the night with fifty shades of lateness starting with High Octane, who made itto chalk talk, Runs from Sex, beer stop, Sex Trap, before circle, Full of Spunk, during circle. We enjoyed a solid live trailwith plenty of checks, a play stop and a night jog through a dimly lit park. Everything was going well until a check withtwo correct (3+ blobs) ways which both led back to blobs from 3 km previously creating a nice circle jerk. Almost Fizzleddidn’t escape several down-downs for his crimes. Circle took place at the foot of one of many glorious GDR architecturalmasterpieces. 10 people, 20 beers, perfect numbers or so we thought until Full of Spunk decided to show her face. Cold,windy and dark… sounds like perfect conditions for the baptism of Mathstitute. She has been an avid hasher for the shorttime since her first trail a few months ago but is leaving for Queensland next week. Farewell, and fuck off! Makali, falafelor kufta were enjoyed by all at the OnIn followed by beer for most of the full-mooners.
Hare: Almost Fizzled
Location: Frankfurter Tor
FM Beermeister: Ring Piece
Religious Advisor: Check My Hairy Nipples
Scribe: Check My Hairy Nipples
Attendees: (in order of appearance) Almost Fizzled, Ring Piece, Check my Hairy Nipples, Bodsa, McCavity,Sauerkraut, Mathstitute, High Octane, Runs from Sex, Sex Trap, Full of Spunk